Shipping & Delivery

Order Processing Time

We process orders between Monday and Friday. Orders will be processed within 1-3 businese days of ordering.Orders made on the weekends might experience delay.

Shipping Cost

Standard shipping: Freeshipping

Transit TimeUnited States Delivery Days: 7-10 business days 

Canada Delivery Days: 7-10 business days

Rest of Europe: 7-10 business days 

Arrival Time= Order Processing Time (1-3 business days) + Shipping Time(7-10 business days)

Change of Delivery Address

Note: We are able to change shipping address at any time before the order has been dispatched. We cannot change the address after shipping. Please check the delivery address before placing an order

Out of stock

For out-of-stock orders, we will notify you by email in advance, refund the full amount and ship other product orders.

Delivery Time Exceeded

If the package is not received within 60 days, the package is deemed lost, please contact us for a refund or re-shipment.

Order Cancellations

We do not accept cancellation of an order after it has been shipped. For any order cancellation, please contact us through the contact information provided before delivery. As the order has not been shipped yet, all cancellations will be accepted.

If you want to track your order, please click Track Order for information.

Support Email:[email protected]
